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    Hunter Herald 6 Recouping Baffle, CEVII HH06131

    Hunter Herald 6 Recouping Baffle, CEVII HH06131

    Please note this is NOT a stock item, may take up to 10-14 working days

    Triangular shaped throat plate for CEvII stove

    Herald 6

    £97.00 inc. Vat
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    Hunter Upper Riddling Bar / Upper Grate Bar, MF, CNS04013

    Hunter Upper Riddling Bar / Grate Bar, MF, Upper (All Versions) CNS04013

    In stock

    Upper Grate bar for the following multifuel stoves: –

    Eco 2 takes 5 bars
    Eco 6 takes 6…

    £10.00 inc. Vat